At Castle Hill Dental Care, your safety and high quality oral health care is our priority. We stay compliant with NSQHS protocols which is monitored by a third party accreditation body (Quality Improvement Plan- QIP). QIP works in collaboration with Australian Dental Association (ADA) and regularly reviews and monitors our standards to ensure that we are following the standards outlined in the NSQHS protocols. The goals of NSQHS standards are:
- Protect the public from harm
- Improve the quality of health service provision
- Provide a quality assurance mechanism that tests whether relevant systems are in place
- Ensure that minimum standards of safety and quality are met, and
- Provide a quality improvement mechanism that allows health services to realise aspirational or developmental goals.
The Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care (the Commission) has devaeloped The National Safety and Quality Health services (NSQHS) Standards. ADA and QIP developed an evidence-based accreditaion program exclusively for private dental practices. The program focuses on six standards within the first edition that are relevent to dental practices and services.
Therefore, when attending our practice, you can be confident that you are safe and receiving high quality dental services. You are convinced that we are following all the safety and quality standards. Also, you are assured that we are regularly reviewed by government and independent agencies.